Monday, 23 January 2017

New year, New Website

I have been absent from here for a very (very) long time and for a number of reasons.  The main one being that I've been so busy expanding my business and making silver jewellery to complete customer orders and commissions.  I haven't always had time to tell you about it on here.  I have also been concentrating on other forms of social media and have built up a significant following in Twitter @ARCJewellery as well as trying out Instagram.  It's early days but I think my Instagram page is coming along quite nicely @arcjewelleryuk

One of the biggest changes to my online presence has been a complete overhaul of my website  It was a big job but a very satisfying task and I learnt some new web development skills along the way as well as useful information about SEO.  One of my favourite aspect of the new website is the gallery where I shall be posting photographs of my work (past and present) with links to where it can be purchased online.

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