Tuesday, 5 June 2012

June showers....

I hope that you have all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend and jubilee celebrations!  
Another rainy day here means that the long walk and picnic that I had planned just isn't going to happen...
Oh well, on the bright side the garden doesn't need watering and it has given me the opportunity to update my website :) 
Things have been going a bit loopy at arc jewellery this week as you will see from some of the new pendant designs.  I've also been playing around with ear wires and rather like these little curled and forged ones on my latest pairs of earrings.  
You will find these and other new additions at www.arcjewellery.co.uk.

I have been receiving some very flattering comments on my Facebook page recently (www.facebook.com/arcjewellery) about my photography.  I really enjoy taking photographs but am by no means a photographer.  I think it's important to lay the pieces out well and in interesting ways, silver jewellery seems to photograph better on a matt background but after that I have to say that it's all down to the camera;  I just set it on auto or macro and hope for the best.  My camera does appear to know what it's doing so I just let it get on with it.  I'm usually pleased with the results (although a lot do get deleted) and I'm very grateful for all the lovely compliments that I've had....thank you!